mental test造句
- Error analysis of mental test in evaluation of academician ' s mental health
心理测验在大学生心理健康评价中的误差分析 - When confidence drops you can lose games quickly . the quicker you bounce back the better it is and liverpool was a big mental test for us
一旦失去了自信心,那么你就会很快输掉比赛。你越快调整好自己的状态,那么情况就越好。而利物浦则是我们的一个严峻的考验。 - Detailed ealuation included the modified national institutes of health stroke scale ; the abbreiated mental test ; and measures of swallow , respiratory , and oral health status
详细的评估包括用修正的国立卫生研究院卒中标准,简略精神测试,测定吞咽,呼吸以及健康状况。 - Subjects who deeloped pneumonia were older ( mean + / - sd age , 75 . 9 + / - 11 . 4 s 64 . 9 + / - 13 . 9 years ) , had higher modified national institutes of health stroke scale scores , a history of chronic obstructie pulmonary disease , lower abbreiated mental test scores , and a higher oral caity score , and a greater proportion tested positie for bacterial cultures from oral swabs
发生肺炎的受试者年龄较大(中位值+ / -标准差的年龄: 75 . 9 + / - 11 . 4对比64 . 9 + / - 13 . 9岁)具有更高的修正国立卫生研究院卒中标准评分,慢性梗阻性肺疾病史以及较低的简略精神测试评分,较高的口腔评分以及对于痰液细菌培养检测阳性率更高。 - It's difficult to see mental test in a sentence. 用mental test造句挺难的
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